Category Archives: WFMW

WFMW: Library Books

This week we hit a new record in the NerdFamily household. We hit the 25 book limit at the library. That was the indicator that we needed to both NerdBug and NerdPie their own cards. Now we can have a combined 75 books out at a time. When you have books in this quantity you need to have some organizing systems in place. For new, unread books I have a spot on the bookshelf where they all get stacked as they come in. It is when they are taken off the shelf and read that things get sticky. So now I have a library out basket. Each person is only allowed to have one library book off the shelf at a time. Then when you are done with it you put it in the out basket. Then simply pick up the basket and take them in! Easy Peasy!

WFMW: Tivo the Timesaver

So I was trying to think of a great time saver in my life and I would have to say that it is my Tivo. You can list all of your desired programs regardless of when they are on. You just program it and let it go. You can set a season pass so it gets Heroes every week. Those movies that are on in the middle of the night, Tivo’s theres. Wishlist all Jane Austen movies, Tivos there. I even get Cable in the Classroom at 3 am. Then you can watch them commercial free when ever you have time. You can also hold onto them for as long as you have space on your hard drive.

Traveling and taking your laptop? Great, just install a Tivo desktop (free) and up load programs onto your computer. I took it to the hospital when I had my c-section and caught up on shows that were on summer hiatus.

I also love the fact that you can rate channels and shows for kids. Then when it sits 4 hours (or you turn it on) it kicks into KidZone and just lists the approved things. We have it set on preschool so only the preschool level shows are automatically on. Then we have added select cooking shows (NerdBug wants to be a chef). So if you want to send the kids in to watch something while you shower you don’t have to worry (at least not about the tv). I also have Wiggles, DoodleBops and JoJo’s Circus at my disposal. The Nerdling only watches while I cook dinner.

Then the newest thing is that there are select PodCasts so I can watch CrankyGeeks while I am cooking. Also, you can run it over your wireless network so it can play all my music stored on all my computers. The endless CD changer.

I love my Tivo because it works for me. And no, this wasn’t a paid post though if you are Tivo and you want to hook me up……

WFMW: Schooling with Little Ones

Something I hear often after I say I homeschool is, “How do you do it with all your little ones”. Well, homeschooling a 6 year old when you have a 4, 2, and newborn is a challenge but it can be done. First, take advantage of any of the newborn’s naps. Then invest in some dollar big puzzles and dollar coloring books for the 2 year old. Then only let the 2 year old use those when you are schooling. Then they are his special “school” things. With the 4 year old use peer pressure and preschool work. Get some preschool workbooks and give them the choice to work on it. But if they don’t choose to work on it they have to play in their room or what ever you would let the 2 year old do. And yes I have use the line, “If you aren’t big enough to work on your school work you aren’t big enough to play on the computer while your brother works on his work”. It has worked pretty well so far for me!

WFMW: Brand Loyalty

For this week’s Works For Me Wednesday Shannon asked what brands we are loyal to. You know we all have those things that we are willing to spend a little more on. Here in the NerdFamily household we have quite a few. We are loyal to some things just for the taste such as JIF peanut butter, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper and Best Foods mayonnaise. Some things are because they work better for us like SpeedStick (for both NerdDad and myself) and Aveeno skin products. I also have a few household things that just work better overall. Ziploc bags are one of my big indulgences because the bag is thicker and the zipper is stronger. I also really like Dow’s Scrubbing Bubbles. None of the generics or other brands seem to work as well.

So even though I try to be frugal we definitely have specific tastes. I have found that if I balance shopping on the sales matched with coupons (and rebates from Walgreens) the prices can be very manageable.

So where do your loyalties lay?

WFMW: Birthday Celebration

My kids all have their birthdays withing 2 months and sometimes it is very overwhelming. Do you give them each a party? If so do you invite all their joint friends to both? Do you have a party for all 3 or just the 2 that are in the same month? What about years like this one? My little girl is June 10th, my c-section is scheduled for the 18th, and the oldest is June 30th. Then we have one more in July. Well, we started doing a special day with just one kid. Last year my little girl (who was turning 3) wanted to go to Toys R Us (where she picked out her brothers’ Birthday gifts), then we went to the school store to get her first school book and then we went to JoAnn’s to get some fairy wings she had wanted for a while. Then just she and I went out to lunch and went home to put her to bed for her nap. Then the birthday kid gets to pick out their dinner (from a list of choices) and the dessert of her choice. My 3 yr old picked out a princess cake while her 5 yr old brother picked out this layered Italian cake he saw on Everyday Italian. My oldest went to see Cars with Dad and the out for burgers and milkshakes. They seemed to not even notice that they didn’t have big party and have talked about it all year. It gives them a little special attention and can take a lot of stress off mom and dad.

WFMW: Puzzle Organization

I was thinking up a post for this WFMW and I have to say that my best ones are not my own. The way that I organize my puzzle was taken from a book years ago. Why puzzles? For those of you who haven’t experienced this yet, puzzle boxes were not meant to be used. Take the lid off and put it on a couple times and the box is broken in the corners. The other challenge with puzzles is finding the errant puzzle piece and figuring out where it goes. This is a multi-step project but I promise it doesn’t really take that long. First get a box of colored pens. Each puzzle gets a number in a different color (the different colors are only important while the kids are little). Then write that number on the back of every piece. Then put the pieces into a zip top bag and write the number on the outside of the bag. Then cut out the front panel of the puzzle with the picture and all the details. Write the number on the back of the panel. Then get a folder for the panels and a box (a plastic shoebox works well) for the bag with the pieces. You can look at the panels and pick out your puzzle. Then just put it away! If you find a piece the kids left on the floor, you know right where it goes!

Small Children and Kitchen Chores

We all want to have responsible and helpful children, right? But the questions start popping up when it comes to issues of how much resposibility, when and frankly is it worth it when it takes you so much less time. With children 5, 3, and 1 I understand these quandries. So let me share with you what I have my kids do. Both the 3 and 5 year old are fully capable of taking their dirty plastic plates off the table along with their empty cups. The 5 year old can now put these straight into the dishwasher (the challenge being to get them straight in the rack). Then you can start involving them in setting the table. I count out all the forks and napkins and then tell them to give everybody 1 each. Start this when you start cooking. That way if it takes them a while to get it straight it doesn’t delay them meal. Little kids can also help empty the dishwasher. Now I admit, the only things my kids can reach to completely put away is the silverware but we have found other ways for them to help. We have them get out all the plates and bowls and just stack them on the counter. You can start with just the plastic ones but very quickly they can do them all. This is something else you can have them do while you are otherwise occupied in the kitchen so it doesn’t mess up the schedule. Another way this helps is if you are pregnant. Now all the plates are at counter level instead of having to bend over to get them;).

Motivation is always an issue. First, I recommend letting only 1 child help at a time. Then they feel special and it encourages them. If no one wants to help that is fine but there are mild consequences. No one can do the next thing until you are done with everything you have to do. For instance, mom can’t play a board game with the child or they can’t go outside. The important thing is to make the family a unit with the mentality that eveyone chips in so everyone can play. Also, have it as a reward for the “big” kid. “You are so helpful, how would like to come help me in the kitchen and do some jobs?” That is always a winner in our house.

You don’t want to wait to long to start teaching your kids responsiblity. Just give them small, easy steps and be positive. Also a big helper always gets to dump the chocolate chips in the cookies (and have 2 to snack on;).

The Perfect Valentine’s Dinner

I think Valentine’s Day is a challenge for everyone. Do you go out and pay a lot of money, not to mention the crowds? That is IF you can find a babysitter, which is always a challenge in my neck of the woods. So what is the solution? Tire out the kids, feed them early and put them to bed. Then decide on a decadent dinner you have always wanted to eat and make it yourself. I know, I know, it sounds hard but it really isn’t. Here is one of our favorites, Bacon Wrapped Fillet Mignon with Whipped Mashed Potatoes. When we first discussed this (years ago) I was mortified to pay that much for meat but let us really look at it. At our Meat Market it is $14 a pound and you can get 2 good sized fillets in a pound. Compare that with at least $20 a plate and you are saving money. This way it is made how you like it, nice ambiance and no crowds. The other part is that it is so easy to make. First take bacon and wrap it tightly around a fillet. You need to overlap so it may take a few pieces. Then cook it over medium heat in a skillet on the stove. When the bacon is done give the fillet a push with your finger. If it is real squishy put it in a 350 degree oven for a few minutes. Then take the meat out of the skillet to rest. Add a little red wine to deglaze the skillet. When it has reduced a little add a pat of butter, this rounds out the sauce (or gives it a rich taste). For a finishing touch, place your fillets on a piece of toast french bread and then pour your sauce over the top. Pair with mashed potatoes that have been finished with a little cream cheese and enjoy!

Then you have a fancy dinner for a fraction of the price! Have a great Valentine’s Day.