Medicine Cabinet Tackle

So I of my resolutions, both personal and bloggy, was to participate in at least half of the Tackle it Tuesdays. My house needs it desperately, but don’t judge me to harshly;). I am making myself vulnerable so don’t attack!

So I am starting with the after picture;). My Tackle this week is my medicine cabinet. I haven’t done it in quite a while. As was evidenced by the amount of stuff that was shoved in there that I am throwing away! There isn’t a before picture. That is because my husband is a saint! I had it on my todo list and so he started it without me. So instead of a before picture here is my garbage back.

That is the bag of garbage that was just sitting in the cabinet. Not only was there expired medicine but other odds and ends too! Including the pacifiers that used to be my 7 year old daughter’s. Yes, they were tucked all the way in the back of the top self. We hid them when she gave them up because we were afraid we might need them but at the same time didn’t want her to accidentally see them;).

And the bin next to the bag are things that didn’t belong in the cabinet to begin with.

So that is this week’s Tackle!

0 thoughts on “Medicine Cabinet Tackle”

  1. I love the picture of the garbage bag! Isn’t it amazing how much stuff we accumulate? Last fall I cleaned out my daughter’s dresser drawers and found stuff in there from when we still used it as a baby changing table 8 years ago! So I totally relate to the pacifier hiding away in your medicine cabinet somewhere!

  2. haha! I still got a bag of garbage sitting outside in my backyard that I need to take out to my front. Thank-you for your post – I am so glad I am not the only one that has escaped bags of garbage around LOL

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