Story Builders Review

I recently had the opportunity to use some of the WriteShop’s Story Builders and they are a great tool! I got the People set and the Christmas set. Basically they are e-books that have printable cards in them. Then you deal out a few cards to your kid (type of person, place, activity) and they use it as a base for quickly writing a story. The books contain ideas of how to use the cards and everything you need to use their program.

I really thought that while I like these I thought they would be a waste of money. Because in all honesty you could do these yourself. Then I saw the price. Right now the Christmas set is only $3.95 and the World of People set is only $7.95. Now for the time it saves (one has 96 cards set up both in color and black/white) and the ideas they give you, theses are well worth the money.

So go check out these incremental writing tools because we here will be using them for a long time!

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