5 Apps That Keep Us Connected


Life is busy! I know, that isn’t news to anyone but every once in a while I think we just need to admit it. Everything tells us to be more productive and quit wasting time but life is busy, period. So staying connected as a family and couple if very important to NerdDad and I.

Staying connected is so important! Some of it is sharing information so that when er are together we aren’t wasting time sharing basic information. Some of it is just having fun and communicating! I have 5 apps that help NerdDad and I stay connected and communicating.

1) Google Calendar: Ok, this is a basic thing but it is a great tool. I have a calendar for me, the kids, and NerdDad. Then a lot of organizations we are part of also share Google Calendars or sent invites and when I accept them it will place it on my calendar. Having it all right there means I don’t have to constantly update everyone what is coming up.

2) Google Hangout: I know that more people use Messenger but NerdDad and I don’t;). His work actually uses Google Hangouts too so it was a natural fit for us to use. It is on the phone and the desktop and just pops up when used! You can mark statuses (away, busy, available, etc) so if you are busy don’t worry about it! One benefit of using Google Hangout over Messenger is that you don’t fall into the Facebook trap!

3) Google Keep: Yes, more Google;). This is a catch all for notes. Those notes can be lists, sentences, pictures and audio recording. You can share specific notes with specific people. So we have grocery lists and other random notes shared between us. We have even done phone messages that way!

4) Cloud Storage: Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, etc. They are pretty much all the same in function and in share ability. NerdDad and I actually just have a folder in Dropbox we share. When you share a folder we don’t have to set each document to share, just drop it in the folder. Looking for old address lists? Pictures of the kids? Dump them all in a shared folder!

5) Trivia Crack: What is a relationship and connection without a little fun? Trivia Crack is this great trivia game! NerdDad and I always have a couple of games going! It is trivia in a variety of areas and is a ton of fun! There is a free version and an ad free version.

What apps do you use to keep connected with your spouse or loved ones? These are some that work for us and I hope they work for you!

(Verizon gave me my phone that I use for all these apps! Other than a phone to use, I haven’t received any compensation. Thanks #VZWBuzz)

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