Now I am not one of those people who panicked about homeschooling in California after the initial ruling in the Rachel L case but I am now breathing easier. The Appeals Court in California that initially released the controversial ruling that forbade homeschooling had vacated their ruling. They then heard from various effected parties.
Well, the ruling is out and it is just as we homeschoolers orginally said. Taken from CHN’s site:
Today’s court ruling held that (1) California statutes permit home schooling as a species of private school education; and (2) the statutory permission to home school may constitutionally be overridden in order to protect the safety of a child who has been declared a dependent. Homeschooling, therefore, remains a legal educational option in California.
So it is over and the Nerdfamily doesn’t have to move;). Go read up more at CHN and HSLDA.