Christmas Gift Planning

Christmas_wreathDoes Christmas seem to sneak up on you every year? Trust me you are not alone! But, as with most things, there are some strategies that help make Christmas a little more fun, sane and affordable!!!
I like to start planning for Christmas in the summer before we start back to school and before the early fall clearance sales start. Here is the first step! A master list!!!
1)Make a list of everyone whom you will give a gift to! This includes the faceless/nameless people who will be getting gifts, like Sunday School teachers or regular school teachers who haven’t been assigned yet.
2)Put an H by all those you would like to make a homemade gift for or a B for those you know you are going to buy for (this can be subject to change, it is just to give you an idea)
3)Put a price range! You can always spend less if you find a great sale but this will keep you from going crazy.
4)Put any gift ideas/sizes/etc next to the receiver’s name. If you know they collect something specific or you have a great idea make sure to not it. That way when you see a great sale you don’t have to remember the 2 people in your list of 20 who might like it! And when inspiration hits in the middle of church you can whip out your list and make that note!
5)Put the list in your wallet! It does no good if it isn’t with you!!!
We can also get a jump on those handmade gits! On another list:
-Make a list of homemade gifts (like cocoa mix, facial scrubs, baskets, etc)
-Star any that can only be made with in a month of giving
-Note how much time each craft will take and if it will take multiple sessions .
Supply List is mandatory!!! Make a supply list then you can use JoAnns and Michaels coupons to buy them for a deal! Keep it with your gift list in your wallet/purse!
None of this is rocket science but it helps to have someone remind you and lay out a path. So try this method this year and see if your Christmas is a little more enjoyable!!!
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This is part of my 10 Days to a Better School Year series! Pop over to see the rest of my pieces along with pieces from all the 10 Days of Tips for Homeschool Moms.

4 thoughts on “Christmas Gift Planning”

  1. Great Post! Early planning is a smart idea! I thought starting in October was earlier. I like your timing much better. Gives you more time to get things done.

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