Frugal Fridays: Frugal Crafting

One of the best way to save money is crafting gifts instead of making them. But those craft supplies can really add up. But there is a way to save a little money. First keep a running list of all craft projects would you like to do. Then make a list of all supplies needed. Then go to a JoAnns store and sign up for mailer coupons. Usually each mailer will have at least one 40% off coupon. Then watch your paper for additional JoAnn ads that will also have a 40% off coupon. Also watch for Michaels ads that each contain a 40% coupon. Here we have a Michaels ad at least every other week but often every week. Also, at least where I live, JoAnns will take Michaels coupons also so I only have to go to one place. I have walked in many times with 3 coupons at one: Mailer coupon, Michaels coupon and JoAnns Sunday coupon. I don’t even shop the ad itself unless the sail item is more than 40% off. Then walk in only getting the things on your list. Don’t look around or take very long. If you are normal, the longer you are in a crafting store the more you will spend.

Something to keep in mind is that you want to more through your whole list this way, regardless of how small the price point. I admit that I have felt self-conscious using the coupons on $1 embroidered letters but I needed them and they were on the list. Now of course you need to make sure that you get the more expensive things first, just to make sure that you get the coupon but… There are some acceptions. After you get used to watching the ads you will see what is normally on good sales(more than 40%). An example is 12 by 12 scrapbook paper (I got these to make birth announcements). They are normally 50 cents a sheet but go on sale for 6 for 96 cents. So obviously I got them on sale and not on coupon.

So that is how I keep my crafting relatively under control!

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