Geeky Links 10/15

It is Saturday and time to have some Geeky fun!!!   Let’s start with 3 of my favs together! 1)Doctor Who, 2)David Tenet and 3) Weird Al’s music!

Poor Galactus! Even he suffers heart break;).

The Mary Sue talks about Barnes & Noble pulling 100 titles from Marvel off their shelves. I get why, do you?

2 thoughts on “Geeky Links 10/15”

  1. omgosh you’re a doctor who lover, too!? i knew there was a reason i liked ya 😉 david tennant is my fave, too, but i started with chris eccleston (who i wouldn’t have minded for another season or two). i’ve been watching old doctor who as well. so far, it’s a thumbs up for doctors 1, 4, 9-11 🙂 btw you know me better as @simplyciara on twitter lol

  2. Here on the Alexa Hop!
    Following you on twitter as @twiceblessdlife
    Come on by and say hi at TwiceBlessedLife

    Yes, David Tennant is awesome in his nerdy hotness! He is my fave doctor, although Sylvester McCoy (#7) was my first. I actually rode in an elevator with Mr McCoy at a sci-fi convention, back in the day.

    Nowadays, I’m trapped in Muggle-land, enduring the usual coterie of cookie-cutter mamas who think I’m strange because I like comic books and have a collection of sci-fi action figures on my desk.

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