Hell’s Kitchen 6/24/8

Sorry for the delay in this week’s blog post but life has been nuts. So lets jump right in. Going in Christina is looking good but I don’t think that Ramsay likes her. I think he respects Petrozza but he is a mess in the kitchen. We shall see.

Ramsay is cooking for the final 3 and their families walk in. I remember the chefs having to do some cooking/challenge with the families so we will see why there are here. So after the families leave, the final 3 will have to recreate the dish they just ate. Christina seemed to be the only one on the ball enough to try to figure out what was in the dish.

Ramsay did provide them 1 sample dish for them to try again. Christina seemed to jump right in. Christina went with a white bean puree that she was really sure of. Corey used a parsnip puree and Petrozza didn’t use a puree at all. Christina’s mom was right on the cream as a binder but she didn’t use it. Corey used the wrong meat but finished the sauce right. Christina and Petrozza used the right meat (venison). In the end Christina won the challenge! That makes 3 in a row.

So Corey and Petrozza are on bar duty. That includes polishing classes and crushing block ice. I think that will really suck the energy out of them for service. Chrstina’s reward was a 3 course meal and sight seeing tour with Ramsay and her parents.

Of course we all remember that when we get to the final 3 they each get a chance to run the hot plate. Ramsay also gives each of them a little advice on how to do it.

Petrozza seemed to do pretty well. He caught the planted mistake along with some others. Christina seemed to be screwing up a lot while Petrozza was on the pass. Corey got on and seemed pretty aggressive and on it but she didn’t catch the sauce plant until it was to late. Christina took a second to get agressive but then she got the hang of being assertive. Christina caught the planted mistake (basil instead of mint).

Overall the service was completed well. After service Ramsay said he didn’t know who should go to the final. Corey was perfect on the meat station but not at the hot plate. Christina was good on the hot plate and not on the fish station. Petrozza was ok but not great. Then they each had to nominate one to go home. Corey nominated Christina because she becomes a deer in headlights when she get yelled at. Christina nominated Corey because she is a team member but not a leader. Petrozza nominated Christina because of the problems with service and that she will be a great chef but isn’t yet. In the end the final 2 are Petrozza and Christina.

See you next time for the final!

Technorati Tags: Hell’s Kitchen, Fox

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