So here we meet again for a drama pack episode of Hell’s Kitchen. If the previews are any indication it should be very interesting.
So at the end of the last episode Ramsay switch Matt and Jen back to their teams of origin (Blue and Red respectively). As we begin this week, no one is happy.
We get an early morning call where all the chefs are loaded into cars and blindfold. They were taken to the roof of the soon to be Ramsay’s new restaurant, London West Hollywood. We now have all the chefs combined into 1 Black team. Then they went into the empty building and Ramsay was showing a little of how things are going to be. Then back to Hell’s Kitchen.
We are having our first individual challenge. They each got a protein ingredient and 45 minutes to make something with it. The only dish that had a problem was Bobby’s with tough duck. Christina and Jen were in the top two with Jen winning it. She got to go to Vegas to visit last year’s winner, Rock. She got to take 1 person with her and chose Corey. The punishment was taking delivery.
Christina is playing it smart by taking charge. She got to delegate but was also checking things off. That is good because that has bit people in the past. Matt was very angry and also angry at Christina for taking control. Matt seems as if he is going completely around the bend and Christina seems to be the target.
Jen and Petrozza on appetizers, Bobby on fish, Corey on veg and Christina and Matt on meat. This is going to be a show. I think Christina has any easy job just showing up Matt.
In 30 minutes Jen and Petrozza have out half the appetizers. Over all, the communication is down the toilet. It was frustrating Corey and she looked as if she was going to cry. Both Bobby and Christina try to cook 2 different proteins in the same pans. Then meat was coming back for being raw. Corey burned her hand and Ramsay told her to go to the medic and she was refusing because she was trying to work her station. She ends up going and then got to come back. Matt and Christina seemed to be having problems tracking their orders. Entrees didn’t go out for a long time. And then they started moving and Matt was messing up on the meat. Matt was complaining about having a headache and about getting yelled at. Matt was spiraling and wouldn’t respond to people and kept saying he had a migraine. Then he said he had no feeling in his hands
Add Video and Ramsay tossed him out of the kitchen so he could go lie down. Then Jen left rice on at Christina’s station and it burned. So Ramsay sent everyone out of the kitchen.
Ramsay sent them to the dorms for them to come to a consensus of which 2 should be up for elimination. Everyone (except Matt) agreed that Matt should go up. He was very sure in himself that he won’t go. For the other nomination it appeared to all be up to Petrozza, again. In the end Christina was the other nominee. Corey said that she should also be up but the team didn’t agree but Ramsay did agree. Corey said while she was bad at least she didn’t give up like Matt. Matt said he wasn’t the worst, Christina was. Ramsay asked Christina if she should leave due to her having the least experience and she said that she only had 3 years of professional experience but had been cooking much longer than that. In the end Matt got tossed out. Finally!
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