Motorola Bionic #MotoCalyp

 Recently I was cruising around Calyp (they had a 2 day free shipping deal on this) and saw the Motorola Bionic. Anyone who knows me knows that I love some cool tech and I have been hearing about the Bionic for a while. So I decided (and was motivated) to research it!

Being the huge research nerd that I am my first stop was the manufacturer page. There are great images of a super cool phone;)! And super cool accessories.



 But what is a cool phone without the service plan. So I popped over to Verizon to see what they said about the Motorola Bionic.

I loved all the detailed information that Verizon broke apart all the details. The specs really look great. I mean is has 1 GB of ram, the camera is significant having 8 mega pixels. I love the fact it has a video camera that a 1080p capture because I have been know to vlog on the fly and I would love not having to carry my Flip also. And the site says that it has 10.8 hours of talk time on its battery!

There were some stellar reviews over at Amazon and that is something I really consider. Over all I walked away thinking that the Motorola Bionic was pretty smooth.

Then I went to the store…. Now don’t get me wrong. I know that there are drawbacks to every phone but the salesman almost completely ruined the phone for me. To start with it was about 3 times more in the store than Amazon, but that is life. I went in making it clear that I was looking for a phone and specifically analyzing the Motorola Bionic. I ooh’ed and ah’ed over the clear picture while watching Youtube and said how it felt great in my hand. The salesman then went through and told me every way that it couldn’t compare to the Razor. Everything from battery life actually only being 2 hours of active use in his experience (versus twice that in a Razor) to the fact that I could get a stronger Gorilla glass display with the Razor. He pointed out that the Motorola Bionic only has a 720p display while the Razor has a 1080p display.

He was pushing the Razor that every step. So much so I had to analyze his counsel! I had read so many great reviews of the Motorola Bionic I just have to believe that he was getting an incentive for selling the Razor;).

My final conclusion of the Motorola Bionic is that it seems to be a solid phone for a decent price. Before I would buy this I would have to hear some personal testimonies from people I know (versus the faceless reviews) because my tech dollars are precious. But based on my research it really seems solid!

(This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. While they gave me the subject the opinions are all mine. I also documented my analysis process over on Google+! )

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