Next Food Network Star (7/5)

This week I am less than 100% (you can read about my sad plight here). Since analysis isn’t my thing right now I am not going to do the full breakdown. I am just going to live blog some snark.

It is the Rachel Ray challenge and it is always interesting. Also they get to do their first cooking demo to camera.
The demo is making kids like the non-kid ingredients: squid, brussel sprouts, and tofu. Katie did really well. I was impressed because I wasn’t sure she was going to be a hit with a squid salad. Jeffrey really seemed to pull it out.
For Rachel Ray’s show they have to take kid food and make it for adults. They are working in teams this time. Katie and Debby go Chicken Nuggets and Mac & Cheese. Michael and Melissa are doing Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese. Jeffrey and Jamika have Hot Dogs and Baked Beans.
I don’t think Jeffrey knows what Baked Beans are. He seems to be stuck on the idea that it needs rice. Jamika needs to tell him that Baked Beans don’t have rice. Michael was so confident that he does well in front of an audience but he just choked in the beginning. But I think that Michael and Melissa did well in their demo! The judges thought that Melissa didn’t seem to be having fun. Katie and Debby did much better than I thought they would do. Katie just looked down most of the time. Jamika seemed to just stand there and watch Jeffrey while he talked and cooked. She wasn’t jumping in but he wasn’t really making a spot for her until the last minute. Jeffrey handed off the beans to her. Jamika never smiled. I am wondering if Jamika and Jeffrey will attack each other in judging. The people who remain will go to Miami.
Katie was in the bottom 3. I am shocked, as was she. Bob says that he found her first demo hard to watch. He seems to miss the point that it wasn’t for him but for a group of kids. In the end they sent Katie home. I think that was a mistake.
Next week I will hopefully be back to my normal detailed self. Just in time to go to Miami.

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