Plan for Moving Out When You Move In

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASummer is the time people move into apartments. Be it a college student or families, everyone wants to get settled before school begins. In the rush to move and get settled, are you protecting yourself and your security deposit? The security deposit is that money you put up front to assure the condition of your apartment when you leave. The apartment complex can charge for any repairs or cleaning that needs to happen beyond normal wear and tear in order to get the apartment back to the state it was in when you moved in. But it isn’t hard but it does take a little forethought to get back as much as possible!

1)Get a file folder and put everything pertaining to your apartment in it!
2)Ask how long the apartment complex goes between painting and carpet cleaning. When was the last time it was done in the apartment you are moving into?
3) Schedule a pre-move in walk through. Make a note of all damage and wearing. Even make a note if the oven is clean. Your job is to give it back in the same condition minus and normal wear and tear.
4)Before you turn in your notice or move out: Make sure to ask the complex to fix anything that needs it, even if it isn’t a big deal to you to ignore it! That chipped tile, screen that won’t stay in… All that could count later against your security deposit but would be fixed for free during your residency but they will fix it for free and without question while you are living there.
5) After you move out all your stuff and clean your apartment schedule a walk through! Together note anything that needs fixing (or doesn’t). Then ask for a copy of that when you leave.
6) With in about a month (each complex has a different amount of time but at least 21 days) you should receive a check with your remaining security deposit and an itemized list justifying any deductions. If the deductions seem unreasonable appeal! Call them and tell them that it seems like a lot for the repair. Offer them a quote from somewhere else and ask the difference to be refunded.

That is it! A little thought when you move in and when you move out to keep your money!!!

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