Pregnancy Carnival

Welcome to the June 12, 2007 edition of carnival of pregnancy. Sorry that is it is so late in coming but I forgot to post it before I went to the hospital. I am proud to announce that we have made our final Nerdling addition. She was born Weds the 13 and was 8lbs 8oz and 21 inches long! We are happy but tired.

Pamm presents Homebirth Twilight Zone posted at We Survived The Teens.

Kate Baggott presents Unassisted Childbirth Considered More “Normal” posted at Babylune, saying, “Reclaiming nature or reintroducing danger to childbirth.”

Kendra presents Curious About Episiotomy Recovery? posted at, saying, “Scared of an episiotomy? Me too! Here are some tips for taking care of rips, tears, and cuts in your most private place.”

Kendra Dahlstrom presents Failure to Progress in Labor to Protect Your Baby posted at, saying, “If you felt like your c-section was a failure on your part, read this article to gain a new perspective!”

Hueina Su presents Practice Detached Involvement posted at Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul, saying, “Parenting is one “risky business” with very unpredictable ROI. Sometimes things just don’t work out the way you want it, despite your best intention & efforts. What can you do to save your sanity and inner peace?”

Fun Facts Other

Christian Bachmann presents Dental hygiene even more important when pregnant posted at Med Journal Watch, saying, “News from a scientific study that every mother-to-be should know.”

Sheppard Salter presents Breast Feeding posted at

Csara presents Amazing Pregnant Bellies! posted at Baby Talkers.

Julie Heath – More4kids Inc. presents Tips for Traveling During Pregnancy posted at Julie Heath – More4kids Inc..

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
carnival of pregnancy
using our
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