Seeding a Pomegranate

As a child I was never allowed to eat pomegranates due to their staining. This is a super easy and effective way to seed a pomegranate. That means that you are left with beautiful arials that you can eat by the handful, juice, bake with or use in salads without any mess!

So how to you seed your pomegranates?

2 thoughts on “Seeding a Pomegranate”

  1. Great quick video! This is the method that I use also. However, I usually place in a shallow bowl with curved sides so that the pomegranates sit on the walls with just a bit of space underneath. Seems easier to manage for me.

    I drooled over that big bag of pomegrantes you had! I’m guessing they might be cheaper in California? They are EXPENSIVE here in St. Louis!

  2. I got them 3/$1 from a friend who got them leftover from a farmer;). Normally they are close to a dollar each during the season in the grocery store.

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