Talk Like A Pirate Day

By aussiegall from sydney, Australia

September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day and really, what could be more fun? And it can be educational! There are some great educational resources out there.

There is an actual Talk Like a Pirate site! They have games and book recommendations. They even have Pirate Game App recommendations.

The Pirate’s Realm has all kinds of great actual pirate knowledge! They talk about everything from flags and weapons to the positions on a pirate ship! Not only is it fun but also historical!

The Maritime Pirate History site has all kinds of great information! The have all kinds of Pirate facts and history! They even have over 20 pirate biographies.

The History Channel also has a variety of Pirate video clips! Go check them out!!!

And last but certainly not least, what is your Pirate Name?

So what do you do for Talk Like a Pirate Day? We have not only been talking like pirates but also have talked about the fact there are still real pirates like the Somali pirates! I think that scared them a touch!

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