Time With God

My women’s Bible study has been doing a time of corporate stillness (we don’t wanted to use the word  journaling;). This is just what I was mulling over on Tuesday….

Romans 8:28 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Lord, how this verse has always called to me. At first it was just the first part of the verse, that all would work out for my good. I held to that to get me through life for years. I have always had a lot of frustration over having my family, my upbringing, and the family issues that I still have. But I knew it had to be good for me, right? So where was my good? Where was my happy? But Lord, You don’t just give us good things that we want and make us happy.

As my faith in the Lord grew, the second part of the verse began to make sense to me. Lord, I finally realized that is was not only good but the Lord’s plan. I have been called according to the Lord’s plan and the Lord’s purpose. That good wasn’t necessarily my happiness but the Lord’s glory. I was created to bring the Lord glory so as long as that happens through the plan of my life, it is for my good.

Now I see how the Lord has used the bad in my life for my good and and for His glory. Help me to always focus on that!

“And no good thing will You withhold from him who walks with You. Oh my Lord, blessed is the man who trusts in You” (It is from a song that I used to hear, I think it is from Psalms)

That is my contribution to Theology Thursday. If you have written anything this week that has anything to do with your theology, please link up! It can be straight from scripture or just an inspired thought that has to do with your relationship with God and Jesus Christ! Make sure that you link to your specific piece and not your blog, or the link will be removed. Also, please only submit a piece that fits this subject or it will be removed. And please link back here so that everyone else knows where the fun is!

0 thoughts on “Time With God”

  1. I love this verse. It held me at a time when I didn’t think I had any purpose for being in this world. I was in deep despair. Knowing that God had laid out plans for me… a real reason for being in this world… that made me start to crawl out of my hole. Eventually, I started figuring it out. Many things in my life changed to make room for that purpose, even when I still wasn’t aware of it. Just knowing that God has a plan for me makes me get out of bed every day.

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