Top Chef 3/23/08

This last week has been nuts with real life so I am just going to give a very brief summary. Go over to Bravo to get more blood and guts.

The Quick Fire was dessert and they were told if they didn’t have a recipe to wing it! How can you not throw together a dessert? I understand baking being a challenge because it is science but not having a dessert? What is wrong with people? You are coming to a cooking competition and dessert has been a problem for people every season so memorize a recipe. Padma did say dessert not pastry. Richard won the quickfire with the banana scallop.

They tell everyone that they are going to 2nd City for a show and it seems no one realizes that it is a trap. Did they not see the Miami night out last season? The 2nd Citiers started having people call out an emotion, color, and an ingredient. The Elimination Challenge was to cook a 5 course meal with each course to be based on an ingredient, color, and mood combo given by the audience. Then they “assume” they are cooking and serving in the Top Chef kitchen. You know what they say about Assuming;)? In the end Jen was sent home.

Later this week I hope to review the next episode in a little more detail!

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