Top Chef Masters Season 2 Gets Going!

I don’t know what I am more excited about: the fact that Top Chef Masters has started back up or the fact it is on Hulu so I don’t have find some poor quality airing somewhere? Either way lets jump right in! Let the snark go!

Govind Armstrong!!! Love him on everything I have seen him on (Top Chef, Iron Chef, etc) Susan Feneger? I have never seen her without Mary Sue! Then there were Anna Sorun, Jerry Traunfeld, Jimmy Bradley (Harold was his sous chef), and Tony Matuano.
First Quick Fire of the season! I am kind of shocked that we are starting off in teams. A Chinatown challenge could be really good. Ah, but it was a trick. It is the mini mart! This is a season 1 challenge so I think it is totally fair! At least they get to cook in their own kitchen. The Bravery is judging? Never heard of them.
Govind’s red mac and cheese looks very good. I think the spice in the Cheetos could add a dimension to their sauce. Susan and Tony’s bread pudding looks pretty good. A crispy rice cake? Not sure what that means but the clamesco sauce sounds a little creepy. Susan and Tony’s apple banana bread pudding won the quick fire! Not that surprised.
So they are doing a team elimination challenge. I don’t really care for it and neither do some of the chefs. They have to make a duo dish for 30 couples to have a first date with.
Susan and Tony’s styles are different but they seem to be able to work together where as Govind seems to just not like the idea of working with someone. Govind and Jimmy are making a duo of lamb with seared lamb carpacchio and lamb loin. I don’t know about lamb carpacchio even if it is seared. Ana and Tony are going exotic with duck done 2 ways with flowers in both. Susan and Tony did pepper shrimp with scallops and pasta. Yum!
Judges seemed to like the lamb carpacchio but they weren’t quite as happy with the chop. They thought was chewy. Jerry’s duck was a hit but Ana’s wasn’t as pretty as it was tasty. They didn’t think the ducks matched. James wasn’t sure if he liked Tony’s pasta. But Susan’s seemed to be a total hit and they seemed to match up well. James seemed to have the most bad things to say about everyone. Not a surprise!
In the end Susan and Tony edged out out Jerry and Ana by 1 star. Govind and Jimmy were kind of left in the dust.

I think that was a great start for a new season! I am excited to see how the rest of the season will go!

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