Top Chef Masters: Who’s the Master

So who is going home this week? Who is winning another $10 grand for their charity. Let us jump right in to find out!

So in the chefs walk to find a table full of burgers and fries. The quickfire is that the chefs have to make gourmet burgers with a side. The judges are 3 people known for burger stuff. The guy from Super Size Me, a guy who has won best burger and Spike from Top Chef who owns a DC burger place. Michael is making a 2 1/2 pound burger with truffle oil. Hubert has enormous pressure on him because not only does he have a burger place, he sells the $5000 burger. The judges seemed to like almost everyone’s burger but Anita’s cheese soup with mini burgers didn’t seem to fair as well. The judges seem to think Hubert’s rouquefort cheese was too much.
Hubert: 3 stars
Anita: 1 1/2 stars
Rick: 4 stars
Art: 3 1/2 stars
Michael: 4 stars
Then we come to our elimination challenge. The have to cater a party for Zoe Deshanel. The catch, Food restrictions: vegan, gluten intolerant and no soy. They must each be responsible for 1 dish. The get 2 hours to prep. It sounds like both Rick and Michael have some experience with gluten free cooking. Hubert was running behind so Michael helped him out. Prepping on site Michael almost lost his plates when the table started to collapse.
Hubert: White Gazpacho, Timbale of Avocado and Asparagus, Red Beet Salad
Anita: Spicy Grilled Eggplant, Lentil Salad, Cashew Sauce
Michael: Quinoa Pasta with Salsa Verde, Pine Nut Gremolata
Rick: Sweet Corn Tamales, Chili-Braised Clack Beans, Braised Greens
Art: Strawberry and Champagne Soup, Strawberry Rice Ice Cream, Almond Brittle
Service and Judging:
Hubert lost a couple of shooter glasses of his gazpacho but had extras. Hubert’s salad and soup went over well but the avocado felt done. Anita’s eggplant was a little to spicy and the lentils were to squishy. Michael’s pasta went over very well. Rick’s tamales was a real hit. The diners weren’t happy with the ice cream.
The judges thought Anita’s plate was sad, oily and disjointed. They thought Hubert’s was good. Michael’s dish was a big hit! They thought Rick’s tamale was good but the salad got lost. It’s seemed no one liked Art’s rice milk ice cream that he bought. Art’s brittle was a success.
At this point I think either Art or Anita is going home with either Hubert or Michael winning.
Art: 12 1/2 Stars
Anita: 13 Stars
Rick: 19 Stars
Hubert: 19 Stars
Michael: 22 Stars
Right now I think I am predicting Michael to win everything but I am not sure. See you next week!

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