Tweeting in the Face of Tragedy

Imagine the unthinkable happened, your child was found at the bottom of the pool. Would it be unthinkable for you to tweet for prayer a half hour after calling the paramedics? That happened to 1 mother and she got slammed by many people for tweeting. Her tweet simply said “Please pray like never before, my 2 yr old fell in the pool.”

I for 1 would totally have done the same thing for a few reasons. First off I believe in the power of prayer. She had 5000 followers and in theory that could mean a lot of prayer. I also have my Twitter tied in with my Facebook account. So the best most efficient to alert my real life friends who would serve as my support in this situation (including my pastor) would be for me to Tweet.

I think this struck a cord with me because I have blogged through a miscarriage. I have also tweeted through numerous surgical procedures that I have had this year. It has made me feel more connected to my friends for instant needs of prayer and who knows whom my life will touch.

I feel bad for this mom not only losing her child but also have to endure the judgment of many who don’t know her. I also don’t know her but can assure that she and her family are in my prayers. So what do you think? Did she take tweeting to far? Or is this the perfect way to let the world support you?

0 thoughts on “Tweeting in the Face of Tragedy”

  1. I totally agree with you. Although I don't tweet, I use Facebook. As you know, my son is currently in the hospital and FB is the fastest way to communicate updates to a large group of people. I've actually had people that wanted to be kept updated join FB simply to be my friend and get the updates. And earlier in the year when my husband was taken to the hospital while on a business trip I used FB to try to get details from people who were close to the scene since I wasn't there. It's one thing to use the technology to elicit sympathy. It's another to use it to get or receive information, or in this instance, prayer.


  2. I Agree! In this day and age, technology, FB, Twitter, Texting, blogging, etc. is what it is all about! You don't sit down and call each individual person, you send out a mass message that will reach as many as possible, as quick as possible. I would have done the same probably.

  3. Totally with you! <3 We used the blessings of technology for prayer for and during Emma's surgery! It was the quickest way to update people and request prayer. I would do it again if we needed to.

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