I always get asked how I keep up on blog reading. Well the actual questions sound more like, “Where do find the time to be on the computer”. It is all about using the free tools out there. Primarily a blog reader. One of the biggest pluses is that you no longer have to actually go to each blog you are interested in to check and see if they have a new post. The reader usually tells you how many new posts there are and you can even save any posts you want to hold on to!
There are a ton to choose from, I like Google, but they are all about the same. You create an account and then just add all your subscriptions to it. Then you can organize the blogs into groups. For example I have a folder that holds all the blogs of my MOPS girls. That way if any of them post I can tell immediately. I can also click on the folder to see each person’s blog listed separately. This really helps me prioritize my blog reading. I have folders for politics, crafts and politics. Then if I don’t have time I can just pick and choose.
So how do you manage all your blog reading material?
I'm very unorganized with it – when I think of a blog, I'll visit it. I've heard a lot of positive about Google Reader from my sister; I'll have to check that out. Thanks!
I really love google reader also, but I still need to schedule my time better…i could read all day
I use Google, but I also have a blogroll page so I can go visit those blogs that don't offer a reader option (what's WRONG with you people?!) =)
I found the NEXT button on Google reader, and my life is so much better. It's under the goodies section of preferences. I use foxfire, and I was able to just click and drag the NEXT button to my favorites bar. Now I just hit the NEXT button and it instantly whisks me away to the next unread blog post on my list. I get to see the page, and I know it'll hit all of the new posts. I also love when I've read all the new posts – it says "you've reached the end of the internet. Go read a book!" 🙂
I use my blog list on my dashboard. I just check it when I am there anyway and read about the ones I want to read and skip the ones I dont. :))