A Beka Steps Up!

So we are going through a bible study, The Ten Commandments from the Following God series in my women’s study at church. We are on #9, No Stealing, and a discussion began during our Tuesday morning leader’s meeting about businesses. We were talking about how executives embezzle and companies declare bankruptcy just to avoid paying creditors (which is not really part of the book study). We were wondering when and why this behavior became acceptable for business. Frankly, it is because we don’t care (as a society) as long as prices are low. Well, I (and some of my friends) are not happy with that. In some cases, you should chose to patronize companies that promote something you believe in. A local and personal example for me is Majesty Bibles and Gifts. It is a locally owned Bible bookstore and they support churches in the area. So when I could shop at a slightly cheaper option I try to go visit Harry (the owner of Majesty).

On to the main point. We as homeschoolers have a variety of curriculum options to choose from. I have heard about some great things that one of these companies has done. With all of the damage that Katrina wrought, the Red Cross sent people to the effected areas from Fresno including a family from my church. They were sent to go help at a church that also had a small school. Due to the flooding, everything stored under 6 feet high was lost. My friend asked a woman with the school what they were going to do about all the lost curriculum. The woman started crying and my friend apologized for asking. The woman said it wasn’t a problem, she was crying out of joy. A Beka was going to replace all of their curriculum for free. So a couple of months later A Beka came to Fresno to show their products (as they do a couple of times a year). My friend relayed the interaction with the woman and asked if it was true. The sales rep said that A Beka was replacing all curriculum that was lost anywhere due to Katrina. This is going to cost A Beka a lot of money and they didn’t make a big media show out of it.

Now, I do know that A Beka isn’t always the cheapest option of books and definitely not when there are used options out there. But, if you are even considering it and the only reason you wouldn’t use them is due to price, please reconsider. If we want to encourage such behavior we need to support it!

BTW, I haven’t yet purchased anything by A Beka and I am not associated with them in any way.

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