Arkansas and Their New Abortion Law

© Rcyoung | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images
© Rcyoung | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

So, Arkansas has done the revolutionary. They have passed a new abortion law that is banning abortion past 12 weeks. It is called the Human Heartbeat Protection Act because 12 weeks is when the heartbeat can consistently be detected by abdominal ultrasound. Not only did the bill originally pass the Arkansas legislature, the Senate also over rode the veto of Governor Mike Beebe by a vote of 20 to 14.

If it stands this will be the most restrictive law on the books anywhere in the country. But of course there are already lawsuits in the works. The claim is that this new law violates the limit set by the Supreme Court of 24 weeks based on viability. I am not sure that I am familiar this supposed 24 week minimum allowance set out by the Supreme Court but I do know that other states have been allowed to place higher boundaries but I wasn’t familiar a minimum viability rule…

If this law stands it will be a wonderful step for the pro-life lobby and babies!!

(HT: New York Times)

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