0 thoughts on “Blogging, Conferences and Flying”

  1. Hello!

    I love your answers..but yes, flying is expensive! I have gotten used to flying on big planes, but would be scared to death on little planes. No thanks!

    I did go to BlogHer and it was fun but really exhausting. My number one tip for you would be to bring COMFORTABLE SHOES. Also, don’t overbook yourself. I hope you can go next year!

    Thanks for mingling 🙂

  2. We only have a little airport where I live. So you take this little rickity plane to the big city that you swear this plane is going to fall apart. I have never done it. Tobei did and it scared him and he doesn’t scare easily. If I have to fly I rather drive or take a train to the nearest big city then take this sad looking plane.

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