Butterfly Cake

So I made the NerdPie a butterfly cake for her 7th birthday. It didn’t turn out as smooth as I hoped. Doesn’t it look nice from a distance (just ignore the messy counter;). But seriously, here is a close up picture.

My frosting was a little goupier than I wanted. I have to quit making them chocolate cakes! It would make my life easier, who cares what they like to taste;). It is a round cake that was cut in half. Then I put it round sides together and then cute a triangle out of each straight side. I used some tubed red and pink icing that I got on 75% off clearance at Valentine’s Day. The yellow triangles are sugared grapefruit with sour fruit tape in the middle of the grapefruit and as antennae. Then I used cotton candy jelly bellies in the middle. I guess it wasn’t a failure because she knew what it was on the first guess;).

9 thoughts on “Butterfly Cake”

  1. Beautiful cake! I could never bake if my life depends on it hahaha. Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  2. Very creative to cut it in half and put it back together!! And you were so smart to buy that icing on clearance!! Great Job Mama!

    (stopping by via FishMama)

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