Carnival of Pregnancy

Welcome to the June 29, 2006 edition of carnival of pregnancy.

For many Pregnancy Can Be Hard Work as Mothering Times points out. For others Lisa McGarry tells us about One Pregnancy Scare Too Many! posted at Family Of Five.

Now you are pregnanct and puking, now what do you do? In my own article, Morning Sickness, I take a look at a great solution.

Kelby Carr presents Bed Rest Armchair Travel posted at Family Travel, for those of us where getting put on bed rest during pregnancy means even travel to the end of your driveway is banned, but there are many ways to be a bed rest armchair traveler.

KimC presents a glimpse at the end of prgnanacy withEvery six minutes, and ow! posted at Life in a Shoe, saying, “Live blogging my labor. It’s been start and stop for several days, but I think today is the day!” This is a great series ending with a handsome baby boy. Congrats Kim and Family!!!

Once that beautiful baby is here, then Spunky shares an Open Letter to her daughter.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
carnival of pregnancy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page.

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