Communication is Key

Here in the NerdFamily we support Compassion International. We believe in the work they do and I encourage you all to support them too! But onto my point.

I was reading my facebook  feed (that Compassion is on;) and they had a couple of posts that really convicted me. See I have a nasty confession… I have never written my sponsored child. Frankly, I never knew what to say and I figured he didn’t want to hear about my life. Then I saw a couple of posts. In both The Impact of Letter Writing and There is Power in Sponsor Letters, they talk about how important their sponsor letters have been.

I then realized how prideful and sinful I have been. I felt so self-conscious at the idea of sitting down and writing what ever was on my heart. What would he think of me? But it isn’t about me. How dare I withhold myself because of fear and pride? How dare I withhold the affirmation and love God has placed in my hands to give?

I need to go and write a letter now. You need to go sponsor a child or bless someone in what ever way God has put in your reach!

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