I found it very interesting that the State Center Community Colleges chose to toss out 400 students between semesters. This is instead of waiting to kick out students who have carried an average of 1.75 (for 3 semesters) after the spring semester. They say this isn’t due to the large amount of students who can’t get classes but technology.
I think this is a great move on behalf of the State Center. There are many students who want classes and can’t get them. Maybe those who are having issues committing (because it does take 3 semesters to get kicked out) would be better served to come back when they get serious. I am saying this as a person who struggled with her grades the first go round. There are times when many of people went to school because it was expected and not because we were ready to make it priority. There are also times when, due to life circumstances, some of us just couldn’t make it a priority.
All in all I think this is right call!
(HT: Fresno Bee)