Cool Math Contest

Crazy 4 Math has a cool contest going. You enter online and here are some details:

Kids, share your creative math ideas! Describe how you use math in any activity you love to do – a sport, game, craft, hobby or anything else. Send in a description of the activity and how you use math. You can also include a drawing or diagram. Class entries are also accepted. All participants will receive an MP3 of Googol Power’s new song “Crazy 4 Math” when you enter. There are many other great prizes to be won. Win or not, you’ll have… .

They also have lessons, worksheets and other freebie’s on their site. Go check it out!

One thought on “Cool Math Contest”

  1. Hello, I’m a maths teacher (south African – British) currently with a start-up school in Malaysia (HELP International School). I’m working on implementing a mathematics extension programme in the school through international maths workshops and competitions.

    Could you please help me by letting me know if the “Crazy 4 Math” competition is still running? I’ve looked through what seem to be official sites but there’s no activity after 2008. Do you know of any other similar workshops and competitions? I’d prefer ones that focus on real-world application and creative mathematical thinking.

    Thank you for your help. Any advice will be appreciated.



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