Farming and Food: The Minecraft Way



One of the big things in Minecraft is that you get hungry and then you can’t generate health. But when you eat food then you will fill your food bar and not be hungry. First I’m going to talk about the different types of food you can farm.

1)Wheat: This is the easiest one to get seeds for because they spawn as grass every where. When you hit a block of fully grown wheat a wheat piece and possible a seed or two. You can make bread (3 wheat straight across the middle of the crafting table) or cookies (1 wheat and 1 cacao seed) or cake (wheat across the top milk across the bottom and sugar egg sugar in the middle) but you can’t eat it raw. When you feed wheat to sheep and cows they will breed together and make a baby.

2)Carrots: This is my favorite but is hard to get because you can only find them in villages or very rarely a drop from a zombie. The seed is the carrot itself, this does not have any crafting recipes but you can eat it raw.

3)Potatoes: I like potatoes but I always get too many. You find them in the same places as carrots. You can eat them raw but then they fill 1 heart per potato but if you cook them then they fill 4 hearts per baked potato.

Wheat, carrots, and potatoes are all farmed the same way. You need to have a block of dirt within 4 diagonal blocks of a water source. Hoe the block of dirt with a hoe (2 sticks and a cobblestone up the middle and a cobblestone in the right corner). Put the seed (or the carrot or the potato) into the ground. After a while your plant will be fully grown hit it to harvest

 4)Pumpkins: These are delicious and kind of easy to find. They spawn in most biomes and are just sitting there.You can make pumpkin pie( sugar, pumpkin, and egg )

5)Melons: I haven’t had much time with this but they seem pretty cool. When you harvest the melons you get up to three slices.

You farm pumpkins and melons the same ways. You grow a vine and the fruit will grow next to the vine. I grow the vine then dirt then water.

Make sure to tell me any cool farms you make.    


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