For All My Fathers

Dad heartI have had 4 dads in my life and love them all even though not one of them is really in my life now. I am grateful to all of you and you all had a part of forming me as I am now, warts and all.

My bio dad who stepped into my life as an adult. He owned his abandonment of me and was willing to put in the time to try and build something with me. I didn’t get long enough with him and I still mourn his death.

My “middle” father;). He is the first man I remember calling “Daddy”. He made me feel adored and adorable as a little girl. Then he was removed from my life due to choices neither of us made. We reconnected some when I was an adult. I am grateful for the years he was my daddy.

The man I have called Dad most of my life. He didn’t choose me and may not if given a choice. But he is the reason I love history, games, went places, and was fed. All those years I thought he was making fun of my music… I now look back and realize just how many music videos and DOVE award shows he watched with me and how he knew all the words to my favorite songs. I am grateful for all you did for me and wish we had a relationship.

My father in law. He is the first man to truly show me unconditional love. When he told me on my wedding day that he loved me because his son chose me, I knew I was seeing a reflection of God the Father and his love. We all miss him so much but sometimes when Jeremy or the kids have a certain twinkle in their eye, it is like he is right there.

Father’s Day is a weird holiday for me. I love celebrating my wonderful husband (who will get his own post;). But I miss all the fathers I have had. Some have past and some just aren’t there anymore. I love them all. They all have a place in my heart. 

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