For Today (11/30) from NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window it is shockingly bright and crisp looking.
I am thinking of how quickly Christmas and Hanukkah are hurling towards me. I am trying to remember that holidays won’t be any better if I freak out about getting things done. The kids and the hubby don’t care about the details but the time.
I am thankful for our health. It is great for the stomach bug to be gone!
From the learning rooms we are going to start our focus on Hanukkah with books on its meaning. But over all we are starting our slow month of December.
From the kitchen I am trying Spaghetti squash with regular spaghetti sauce so we will see who it fools!
I am wearing Sweats and a 3/4 sleeve shirt, yet I am still cold.
I am creating the mailing labels for my Christmas cards. I haven’t sent them all out in years.
I am going no where today! But I will be out and about for most of the rest of the week.
I am reading all my holiday magazines in case there are any projects or recipes I want to try.
I am hoping that I will stay chilled and maybe get some more energy.
I am hearing my 2 year old building with blocks and my six year old humming while she does her Bible study.
Around the house I hope to tidy up a bit and dig out all the Christmas presents that I have bought all year and look for holes. Also I hope to do a little Christmas decorating.
One of my favorite things is Christmas music and mint in chocolate!!!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: MOPS, homeschool meeting, Bible Study, the kids picking oranges for a service project, the kids having dress rehearsal, a baby shower and the kids church performance it is going to be quite a week!

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

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