Category Archives: Daybook

For Today, NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window: rain, rain go away
I am thinking about how expensive airline tickets are!
I am thankful for my wonderful husband and how he serves us.
From the learning rooms: We are going light on the schooling because we have playdates, parties and more!
From the kitchen: My first chicken cordon-bleu!
I am wearing a skirt and a sweater with a cute pair of wedges.
I am creating: Cards!
I am going out with my hubby!!!!
I am hoping to clean up my house a bit in the face of crazy chaos.
I am hearing Matisyahu’s Light Around the house I am just hoping to contain the mess;).                                                                            One of my favorite things is good friends!                                                                                                           A few plans for the rest of the week: playdate, choir, science, MOPS, date with NerdDad, Awana awards, Bible Study, Craft Night….                                                                                                            Here is picture for thought I am sharing

The Cross: Need I say more?

For More Daybooks

For Today (2/8) From NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window I am not sure if we are done with the rain yet but a mom can dream;).
I am thinking about organizing my house and getting rid of some clutter. Who knows when or if it will ever happen but I am thinking about it.
I am thankful for all those in my life that love me!
From the learning rooms Kinderbach and some history!
From the kitchen I am making a big pork shoulder roast for the first time. (update: I have made pork roasts before but this is one of those huge shoulders that is over 10 pounds. This is something I have never done;)
I am wearing the standard for Mondays: Sweats and a 3/4 sleeve shirt
I am creating not much unfortunately.
I am hoping that I will be blogging much more! Especially on NerdFamily Food!
I am hearing a little bit of everything. NerdDad made a huge MP3 cd.
Around the house I hope to tidy up and organize a new coupon organizer.
One of my favorite things is the Torani Orange syrup that Smart and Final is once again carrying!!!!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: hopefully a meeting tomorrow (if Stephanie doesn’t have to go for jury duty) and a girls night with my best friend Sara on Friday!

For Today (2/1) From NerdMom’s Daybook

I am thinking about many things I want to blog on but haven’t gotten around to.
I am thankful for the last couple of days of sunshine.
From the learning rooms we are going to do some math drills and learn about converting fractions to decimals (I know, we are wild).
From the kitchen I am doing a big bunch of freezer cooking.
I am wearing sweats and a t-shirt.
I am creating Valentine’s Day cards (I hope).
I am going to do a bunch of grocery shopping and the library this morning.
I am hoping to get stuff done!
I am hearing Celtic Thunder.
Around the house I will need to spend a lot of time cleaning the kitchen after all my cooking!
A few plans for the rest of the week: MOPS!

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

For Today (1/25) From NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window it is going to be a rainy day.
I am thinking about baptism.
I am thankful for heat, a home and a loving family.
From the learning rooms flash cards and art!
From the kitchen crumb coated chicken thighs.
I am wearing sweats.
I am creating Valentine’s Day cards
I am going to do some grocery shopping.
I am hoping to get a consultation set up with a new specialist at Stanford.
I am hearing SuperChick
Around the house I gotta get my freezer fixed!
One of my favorite things is sleeping;).
A few plans for the rest of the week: The kids have choir and science tomorrow, during which I hope to get some computer stuff done for MOPS and Women’s Ministries!
(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

For Today (1/18) From NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window it is a rainy day.
I am thinking about the full armor of God (post to come).
I am thankful for my wonderful hubby!
From the learning rooms maybe a project but I am not sure.
From the kitchen is Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread for the family and MOPS tomorrow.
I am wearing sweats and a comfy shirt!
I am creating the February newsletter for MOPS.
I am going no where today!!!!
I am reading Salvation Is from the Jews

I am hoping to get everything done for tomorrow.
I am hearing Plumb’s Chaotic Resolve.
Around the house I need to do laundry!
One of my favorite things sleep!!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: I am facilitating a conversation on saving money at MOPS tomorrow!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing is the craft from my last MOPS, I can’t wait until tomorrows!

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

For Today (1/11) From NerdMom’s Daybook

I am thinking about the post on Harry Reid that I am forming and how I want to get my haircut today.
I am thankful for like minded friends!
From the learning rooms we are taken easy still. I am thinking about lapbooking a bit. (Never done it before)
From the kitchen I am continuing to work on cooking out of my pantry and freezer!
I am wearing sweats and a comfy shirt to go get my hair cut!
I am going to a talented friend’s house with my best friend, all our kids, and snacks so we can get our haircut before my talented friend has her baby!
I am reading through all my magazines and then hope to start the Sarah Palin book!
I am hoping to get my new planner and to start filling it in!
Around the house I hope to straighten out the office and get ready for taxes.
One of my favorite things is my husband!
A few plans for the rest of the week: I have a steering team meeting for MOPS and Precepts (on the 2nd half of Daniel) starts this week!

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

For Today (1/4) From NerdMom’s Daybook

I am thinking about how I want to be a better mom and teacher this year!
I am thankful for the joy I hear in my children’s voices when they laugh. Not just giggle but that deep belly laugh,
From the learning rooms we are going to focus on fun learning this week: KinderBach, flash cards and art projects.
From the kitchen I am going to work on cooking out of my pantry and freezer this month.
I am wearing sweats and a comfy shirt.
I am creating a MOPS Newsletter for next month.
I am going to research day planners and hope I find the perfect one for me, finally.
I am hoping that the changes I am making to my life will help bring a little order, peace and joy.
I am hearing the chatter of children (always;).
Around the house I want to clean up my office from all the present hiding.
A few plans for the rest of the week: make some returns to Walmart, then MOPS on Tuesday and then Awana starts back up this week.

For Today (12/28) From NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window it is kind of droopy. Rain today or tomorrow.
I am thinking how cute my 2 year old is dancing around in her tutu.
I am thankful for God’s Miracle yesterday!
From the learning rooms I am hoping that my kids can do a little self directed work while I rest!
From the kitchen I have pinto beans in the crockpot and I am going to try my new rice cooker tonight!
I am wearing sweats and a lime green shirt.
I am going to hopefully be up to doing a little shopping tomorrow. I need clearance table cloths!
I am hoping that my older 3 will keep playing nicely together and not start fighting.
I am hearing WordGilr that I turned on for my 2 year old since she couldn’t go play K’nex with the older 3.
Around the house I need to figure out how to organize my 6 year old’s toys.
One of my favorite things is my new big knife I got from NerdDad!
A few plans for the rest of the week: to wrap more gifts for my exchanges this week, will myself into feeling better and go to the big family get together this weekend!

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

For Today (11/14) From NerdMom’s Daybook

I am thankful for good friends.
From the learning rooms we are not really doing anything this week except reading!
From the kitchen I have no plans but I hope that we will have the basics of a gingerbread house before the week is up.
I am wearing comfy but cute jeans!
I am creating a mailing list for my Christmas Cards. It is always more work than one thinks. Especially since I haven’t sent out to my whole list in a few years.
I am going to Stanford for a few days for a procedure.
I am reading all my magazines while we travel
I am hoping that things will go smoothly this week.
I am hearing Christmas music.
Around the house I just hope to stay caught up on laundry.
One of my favorite things is spending time with NerdDad during the trip to Stanford.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Stanford for a few days and just recuperating.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing

For Today (11/30) from NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window it is shockingly bright and crisp looking.
I am thinking of how quickly Christmas and Hanukkah are hurling towards me. I am trying to remember that holidays won’t be any better if I freak out about getting things done. The kids and the hubby don’t care about the details but the time.
I am thankful for our health. It is great for the stomach bug to be gone!
From the learning rooms we are going to start our focus on Hanukkah with books on its meaning. But over all we are starting our slow month of December.
From the kitchen I am trying Spaghetti squash with regular spaghetti sauce so we will see who it fools!
I am wearing Sweats and a 3/4 sleeve shirt, yet I am still cold.
I am creating the mailing labels for my Christmas cards. I haven’t sent them all out in years.
I am going no where today! But I will be out and about for most of the rest of the week.
I am reading all my holiday magazines in case there are any projects or recipes I want to try.
I am hoping that I will stay chilled and maybe get some more energy.
I am hearing my 2 year old building with blocks and my six year old humming while she does her Bible study.
Around the house I hope to tidy up a bit and dig out all the Christmas presents that I have bought all year and look for holes. Also I hope to do a little Christmas decorating.
One of my favorite things is Christmas music and mint in chocolate!!!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: MOPS, homeschool meeting, Bible Study, the kids picking oranges for a service project, the kids having dress rehearsal, a baby shower and the kids church performance it is going to be quite a week!

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)