For Today (1/18) From NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window it is a rainy day.
I am thinking about the full armor of God (post to come).
I am thankful for my wonderful hubby!
From the learning rooms maybe a project but I am not sure.
From the kitchen is Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread for the family and MOPS tomorrow.
I am wearing sweats and a comfy shirt!
I am creating the February newsletter for MOPS.
I am going no where today!!!!
I am reading Salvation Is from the Jews

I am hoping to get everything done for tomorrow.
I am hearing Plumb’s Chaotic Resolve.
Around the house I need to do laundry!
One of my favorite things sleep!!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: I am facilitating a conversation on saving money at MOPS tomorrow!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing is the craft from my last MOPS, I can’t wait until tomorrows!

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

0 thoughts on “For Today (1/18) From NerdMom’s Daybook”

  1. I just happened to stumble apon your blog. You know I was on this site and moved to that one etc. and now I am here. I LOVE MOPS! I am part of a group in Portage, WI. I am the publicity coordinator here and am also getting started on our February newsletter. I think it is great to find another woman that really enjoys the group. Have a wonderful week!

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