For Today, NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window: rain, rain go away
I am thinking about how expensive airline tickets are!
I am thankful for my wonderful husband and how he serves us.
From the learning rooms: We are going light on the schooling because we have playdates, parties and more!
From the kitchen: My first chicken cordon-bleu!
I am wearing a skirt and a sweater with a cute pair of wedges.
I am creating: Cards!
I am going out with my hubby!!!!
I am hoping to clean up my house a bit in the face of crazy chaos.
I am hearing Matisyahu’s Light Around the house I am just hoping to contain the mess;).                                                                            One of my favorite things is good friends!                                                                                                           A few plans for the rest of the week: playdate, choir, science, MOPS, date with NerdDad, Awana awards, Bible Study, Craft Night….                                                                                                            Here is picture for thought I am sharing

The Cross: Need I say more?

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