Freezer Friday: Make Ahead Chicken

Welcome to Freezer Friday. The goal here is to make our lives easier. Due to the fact I have 4 little ones and homeschool, I need all the help I can find. Simply post a recipe that can be made, frozen and then later reheated(thawed, etc) and consumed. Make sure that you include freezing and reheating instructions in your post. Then come here and add you post (not your blog) into Mr. Linky.
Now for some disclaimers:
If it isn’t a recipe, I will delete it.
If it can’t be made ahead, I will delete it.
If you don’t have a family friendly site, I will delete it.
Now onto the food fun!

Meat is always the most time consuming part of making a meal. I make my chicken a month at a time. I buy fresh chicken breasts in bulk (which is a relative term). Then I put them in 9 X 13 baking dishes and season them. Then cover the bottome of your dish with water and cover. This prevents the dry, horrible chicken. Then I bake them at 350 degress for 45 minutes to an hour. You allow them to cool and then freeze. You can freeze them whole and reheat that way. But, I dice them up and freeze them in 2 cup incrememnts (the standard for most recipes). Then just pull them out and put into dishes. Since it is diced, the chicken is very to thaw by just putting under running water for a few minutes. I add it to pasta, Hamburger Helper and an easy Chicken and Rice dish.

Technorati Tags: chicken, freezer friday, cooking

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