Freezer Friday: Make Ahead Hamburger

Welcome to Freezer Friday. The goal here is to make our lives easier. Due to the fact I have 4 little ones and homeschool, I need all the help I can find. Simply post a recipe that can be made, frozen and then later reheated(thawed, etc) and consumed. Make sure that you include freezing and reheating instructions in your post. Then come here and add you post (not your blog) into Mr. Linky.
Now for some disclaimers:
If it isn’t a recipe, I will delete it.
If it can’t be made ahead, I will delete it.
If you don’t have a family friendly site, I will delete it.
Now onto the food fun!

Make Ahead Hamburger

This is really more of a process than a recipe. The purpose for this is to have packets of hamburger, of about 1 pound weight, waiting for you cooked and ready to go in the freezer. I think take it out and put it into spaghetti, cheeseburger pie, hamburger helper or anything that calls for hamburger. You can even add taco seasonings to it after it is cooked to do tacos or taco baked potatoes.

Basically, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Then put your hamburger into an appropriate sized cooking dish. For example, I did about 8 pounds this week and split it between a 9×13 and an 8 1/2 x11. Then season and stir like you would in a skillet. You will use a lot of seasonings because you are cooking a lot of meat. I personally use garlic, Pappy’s, and chili powder. Place the dishes in the oven and turn on the timer for 15 minutes. The come back and stir the meat, placing back in the oven for another 20 minutes if needed. Continue this process until all the meat is cooked. Then drain off (I tend to spoon it out) most of the grease. Let cool. Then divide it into 1 pound (or what ever size you use) packages. Then freeze nice and flat. To use it you have a couple of choices. You can set it on the counter or in the refrigerator to cool. Another way is to take the nice frozen meat and crumble it into a skillet, add a little water and thaw that way.

So add you recipe and enjoy cooking!

Technorati Tags: Cooking, Freezer Fridays, Make Ahead

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