Freezer Friday: Shredded Roast Beef

Due to the fact I have 4 little ones and homeschool, I need all the help I can find. Simply post a recipe that can be made, frozen and then later reheated(thawed, etc) and consumed. Make sure that you include freezing and reheating instructions in your post. Then come here and add you post (not your blog) into Mr. Linky.
Now for some disclaimers:
If it isn’t a recipe, I will delete it.
If it can’t be made ahead, I will delete it.
If you don’t have a family friendly site, I will delete it.
Now onto the food fun!

Shredded Roast Beef

This is a great recipe. I like it over rice or on hamburger buns.

3 lbs Beef Roast
1/3 cup Dehydrated Onion
1 can Tomato Sauce (8 oz)
1/2 cup Soy Sauce
2 tsp Minced Garlic
1/2 cup Water

Mix up everything but the meat. Put the meat in the Crockpot and cover with the rest of the ingredients. Then turn it on low all day or over night. Then cool slightly and put all the stock in the refrigerator. Then shred meat with 2 forks (or by hand). Then remove cold stock from frig and remove the layer of fat. Then mix the stock and meat. The Place in muffin cups (use liners if using a muffin tin). Then freeze individually. To reheat thaw (remove paper liners) and microwave or heat on the stove.

That is it! Now add your recipe!

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