Frugal Fridays: Free after Rebate

One of my big money saving tips is to take advantage of Walgreens Rebate Saver program. Every month they have some things completely free after rebate and many things just on rebate. One of the nice things is that you can use coupons on every product so if you watch what is out there you can actually get money back on things. I save all my toothbrush and tooth paste coupons for these and I usually get them for free or almost free. I recently got Suave shampoo and conditioner for a great deal. It was on sale 5 for $10 and then there was a $5 rebate and I use 3 coupons that totaled another $1.25 off. So I ended up paying $3.75 for 5 bottles.

Free this month contact solution, foundation, Pantene hair product and toothbrush.
My one recommendation is only buy things you will use not just all free things.

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