God is Good

So recently I have been whining to ya’all about the craziness our family has been enduring. Well, in the midst of adversity is when God blesses. Due to losing the baby, having strep twice and wrenching my knee all in the last 6 weeks, I have been unable to get the house as ready to sell as I wanted. Well, NerdDad and I had a construction meeting with the builder of the new house. While we were there our salesman says he needs to talk to us when we were done. The company drop the price on our house another considerable chunk of change!!!! This means we need less out of our house so I can quit stessing so much. Also, I call to get quotes on residing the front of our house. Well, then I called my “Middle Father” (mom’s 2nd husband and the first man I remember calling dad) and was asking his advice. He is a contractor 6 hours away but he volunteered to come down and reside it for cost!!!! That saves us over 2/3 the cost. I am blown away by God’s mercy and grace. It was orginally going to be a real tight squeeze to get into this larger house (twice as big!!) but now we have a little breathing room. You know $$ for a savings account (I think those kids might want to go to college some day;), car repair, etc. I just had to share God’s blessings even through the challenges we have been having in life.

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