Halloween Vent

Halloween is coming and the idea of it is overwhelming me!!!

I am not a big fan of just buying costumes but everything else takes so much time!!! We could do a Star Wars theme because we have a few outfits in the dress up bin but there are a lot of other options.

A couple of months ago the kids were talking about doing a Marvel theme set. Specifically there was a lot of talk about Nerdster being Electro with some pipe cleaners coming off for electricity.

Then there is also the option of doing the Roman/Greek thing that we are studying in history. The boys could make armor and the girls could make some great clothing.

Or we could do a solar system type thing. All in black and then building out different planets.

Ugh! Not only are there a lot of choices but many of those choices are a lot of work too!

What are you doing for Halloween? Do you even care to know yet;)? It is over a month away! But if you are making something, that isn’t enough time!!!

8 thoughts on “Halloween Vent”

  1. Although we don’t participate in Halloween, I like the clearances afterwards and will be looking for historical or other fun costumes. We love dressing up and (as you know) I am not the greatest at making things! 🙂 I love the Roman/Greek theme.

  2. I love Halloween because of all the decorations. I have to say my decorations are up already and Sam had a literature parade in Oct. where they dress up as their favorite literature character. I look at the fun of it and the grandparents love seeing them in their costumes. And I love the clearance items after Halloween too, like Jonna posted. It’s fun to let the kids get creative with costumes.

    1. You are thinking way fancier than me!. I was thinking about big cream or white grown up t-shirts (that will look a little like dresses) and cutting pillow cases for robe.

  3. Oh you are getting creative! That is allot of work for sure. I have a party kit with most of everything needed for a party we might be doing at our home. And for costumes, we still aren’t too sure. My son who is three picked out a SWAT team costume already.

    Lots work, time consuming, but whichever one you choose, lots of great memories created 🙂

  4. Sadly, Taylor doesn’t dress up anymore. I miss those days. Heck, I miss the days of being a kid myself and doing it. We always made our own costumes and had such fun doing it. Family Fun Magazine has TONS of ideas for simple costumes on their website if that helps – some are cute, some are very clever.

  5. No, not making anything. I have no idea what my boys will do. Kind of started asking today. We’ll end up getting a costume somewhere. Sigh…I thought I bought both boys costumes at the end of last year. Not sure my 12yo wants to be Bumblebee this year now. =( Thankfully the costume was only like $5 at the end of the season last year!

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