Hell’s Kitchen 3/26

So Ramsay really lost it on J last week and tossed him out. So who will he toss out before elimination? I agree with LA that Ramsay doesn’t see what happens behind the scenes because if he did Lacey might not still be there.

So Ramsay plays a little trick on everyone. He says he is making a steak and scallop tar-tar and then asks them to taste it and tell him what they think. Now there was tuna instead of steak and sea bass instead of scallop. Everyone just says how great the scallops and beef were. So the challenge is the taste test. LA chose to sit out because they had to even out the teams. This is always fun. Andrea thought that filet mignon was liver and Romaine was celery. Robert thought that turnip was cream of broccoli? Giovanni thought that lobster was egg yolk and Robert thought it was mushroom. Carole did pretty well. Paula and Danny got Minestrone soup and had to guess the 10 ingredients. In the end the red beat blue 8 to 7. The prize is the photo shoot in TV Guide. The blue team has to make lunch and wait on the red during the photo shoot. They also have to prep both kitchens for service. Lacey is such a problem. I am really curious to see what the kitchens are running short on.

So the kitchen opens and they have actors in the dining room. Paula gets her first risotto wrong and Robert is made that Ramsay told Ben to help him. Carole was struggling in the meat station. Lacey was completely lost on the blue’s meat station. So they started telling her each little thing to do. She was lost and said she couldn’t cook meat then Ramsay tossed her out. Ramsay went and talked to her and let her back in. Then Robert split his pants and didn’t even blink. While Lacey said she was lost Carole said the complete opposite. But Carole was just as lost. Then Ramsay ended up tossing Lacey out again. This time he took her jacket and told her to say goodbye. Back on the red side, Carole was just floundering. The 3 guys on the blue team pulled it all together but the red team got shut down with 5 people and without finishing service.

So the blue team won and the red team was set to get a consensus to pick 2 who should be leaving. I don’t think he is throwing anyone out. They couldn’t come up with an actual consensus. But in the end Paula said it was Carole and LA. Ramsay wanted to know who the other one under debate was. So he called LA, Ca role, and Andrea up. Ramsay did end up throwing LA out.

So we got rid of 2 this week. Let’s see who can cut it.

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