Hell’s Kitchen 4/16

So here we meet again. According to the previews, Ramsay is going to close Hell’s Kitchen but I think that will all be short lived and we will be back to business as usual. But we shall see.

So Ramsay tells them he is shutting down Hell’s Kitchen but they are going to Borgata in Atlantic City so they can get inspired. I knew it!!! So they arrive there and are greeted by the “Borgata Babes” (ug). I do have to say that it was an impressive place. They have all the big chefs and nice stores. They got to look about the place and relax. I have a feeling that there is a challenge coming.

They all go to have dinner with the higher ups in the food aspects of Borgata. Robert go up and left a few minutes in. He started to have chest pains and went to the hospital. What bothers me is not one of them got up to go see why he left or if he was coming back. Now he didn’t make a big deal out of it or say anything but still. If I was eating with anyone and they just dissapeared from the room, I would definitely go check in on him. Robert had to stay over night in the hospital. After a couple of days he got to come back to Hell’s Kitchen but he wasn’t all better. He has pericarditus and so he wasn’t going to continue.

Now that they are back in the thick of it. The challenge is to make a signature dish that could be on their menu at the Borgata. Ben tells the camera that his dish is above and beyond anything that is currently being done at the Borgata. What a punk! Everyone’s seemed pretty good except Ben’s. He made a dish where he cut off the prawn from the tail and then put the tail on the plate and not the prawn. Andrea won the challenge and immunity. Everyone seemed to think that Andrea was next to go so everyone is a bit annoyed.

And then service began. Andrea got scallops back on the first table. Ben was having a hard time keeping up with the orders and gave Ramsay cold puree. Andrea was slow on the fish and she was kind of dragging Paula down.Ramsay found out that Andrea wasn’t cooking on High. Ramsay said not to wait for Andrea. Ben kept messing up the garnish by not following what orders where working and was actually doing them wrong. Then Ramsay tossed him. So Ben went and collected himself. Andrea sent out a raw salmon. Ben seemed to get better after his break. But Andrea was turning out more raw fish unless it was tuna and she was burning it. Danny and Paula seemed to both be having a real decent service.

He told them to go upstairs and figure out which 2 should be up for elimination. He didn’t say they were getting eliminated, I wonder if no one is going to get eliminated because Robert went home. Paula and Ben got nominated. Ben said he should stay because he has never given up and tries to better himself. Paula said she should stay because she has always been a solid performer. Then Ramsay told Paula to get be in line and called Andrea up. He went through everthing wrong with Andrea but said she was still safe because he was a man of his word. He kept Ben because Andrea was worse and since she was staying he was too.

So who will leave next week? Ben or Andrea? Both of them still think they can win.

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