Home Hilarity

Since we are now living without the satellite we are exploring our many free online options. We have recently discovered that all of Scarecrow and Mrs. King is online over at Slashcontrol.com. Scarecrow and Mrs. King was a favorite of mine as a kid and a teenager. I had a little thing for Scarecrow. The funny part is I always wanted to be Laura Ingalls and marry Scarecrow. Then Laura Ingalls (Melissa Gilbert) married Scarecrow (Bruce Boxleitner). But I digress…

To start with it isn’t as dorky to watch as I was afraid it was going to be. And the kids love it. We are about 7 episodes into the series right now. At the end of the last episode Scarecrow got shot. We decided that we were going to watch another episode during dinner. NerdPie express how she hoped he was going to be all healed by this next episode. To which NerdDad said how he was sure that Scarecrow would be fine…he heals quick, like Wolverine.
It really tickled me (yes, I am a dork). But it tickled me even more that the kids didn’t even blink at the statement because they knew exactly what NerdDad meant by that;).

0 thoughts on “Home Hilarity”

  1. Hey there,
    We just got satellite back and it's overwhelming how many choices…ahhhh.
    btw- I loved Little House on the P., but adult Melissa gives me the hives..funny.

    Hey, we need to talk about Fresno homeschooling soon. Are you part of a group when you file?

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