Journal Buddies Review

Today’s world tell us that it is important to focus on our external, what others have and what we aren’t or don’t have. Well, I think I speak for most of you when I say that isn’t what we want for our kids. This is why I was so excited to get the opportunity to review Journal Buddies (girl’s edition) by Jill Schoenberg. This interactive journaling system has won the Dove Family-Approved Seal and also won the 2008 Mom’s Choice Award. Dove’s review of the girl’s version said that it is:

“a very creative way to help
encourage self esteem in young girls. It is so important in this day and age to
help children with their self-image. This delightful ingenious journal will show
them a way to capture their imagination, ideas and thoughts and share them with
others. Giving the diary concept a different look. This is a perfect gift for
young girls.”

So as you can imagine, I had high expectations when I opened up the envelope from Jill Schoenberg. I wasn’t disappointed! Now I have to say, I have always wanted to journal but am very intimidated by the blank page so I was unsure how to get my kids into journaling. Journal Buddies completely takes care of that. First off you are looking for good traits in friends and in yourself. Then it gives you oodles of creative ideas of what else to put into your journal. I love the encouraging statements and words to focus on. I also like the fact that she encourages the kids to go to parents if they have a problem and to get input on their journals so it isn’t some secretive activity that sequesters the kids.

You can get this great system from Amazon or order from Journal Buddies for only $16.95. If you order it from Journal Buddies you will get a ton of extras:

  • You’ll receive a signed copy of the book!

  • Over $83 in free bonus gifts (listed here)

  • A rock-solid 45-day money back guarantee

  • A free pack of creative journaling supplies compliments of the author, Jill Schoenberg

So you know how much I love it. Now you need to get it for your child or any child that you care about!

(This is a Family Review Network review!)

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