Tiny Prints Contest!!!!

I love Valentine’s Day cards! That was one of the few things that I loved in grade school. You would have you little mailbox and then go home and look at all the cards you were given. I loved it so much that we do that here in our family and also have cards for the kids’ friends. So you can imagine my delight at seeing Tiny Prints new line of Valentine’s Day cards. They have cute kids cards, photo cards and even “green” cards for the environmentally concerned. So how would you like to win a $50 gift certificate that is good not only on Valentine cards but anything they carry? Well, here are the rules to our game!

How to enter:

  1. Go to Tiny Prints website and set up an account.
  2. Choose your favorite Valentines Daycare and add it your “favorites” located directly under “personalize” option.
  3. Tell me why you chose that card as your favorite.
  4. Leave your email address, make sure the email address the the same one you set up your Tiny Prints account with!
  5. Do all this before February 5th.

Need more ways to enter?

  • Blog about this with a link back here and Tiny Prints
  • Subscribe to my feed

Make sure to leave a comment for each entry.

* Fine print: This is open world wide. This contest is running on several other blogs, as you can & should enter on all of them, please know you can only win ONCE per Companies rules. Please enter all the contests available for the best chance to win! Good Luck!

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