Kitchen Gadgets

I have been inspired to post my favorite kitchen gadget so here it goes…. It is the Pampered Chef Probe Thermometer. I (and NerdDad) love it for so many reasons. First, it is a standard timer. It will also tell you how much over the time is (let us say that you don’t get to it right away). But my favorite thing about it is the probe. It can be placed in the meat raw, then placed in the oven. You set the timer to go off when it hits the desired temperature (that you set). This makes absolute perfect meat.

A sidenote: Pampered Chef is not selling this right now but have seen other such thermometers in stores.

Related Tags: Favourite Kitchen Gadgets, Favorite Kitchen Gadgets

0 thoughts on “Kitchen Gadgets”

  1. I have a similar thermometer which was my souvenir for my second tour to the US. I didn’t realize that we have to place it to the chicken while it is cooking until I saw it being used in a movie.

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