LemonHead Kidz Review

I have a lot of hair. I also have 2 daughters: 1 has thin baby hair and 1 has thick hair. That is a lot of hair to try to wrangle in 1 household and a lot of different types of hair. So I am always searching for the perfect hair clips that will hold all of our hair and (hope against hope) will stay in the baby’s hair. So you can imagine how excited I was when I received products from LemonHead Kidz!

They sent me a great clipeez with a beautiful yellow flower on it. This I really liked! The clip had a rubber block in it that made sure it didn’t slip out of anyone’s hair. I was able to use this in all 3 of our hair and it looked adorable! They have all different types of flowers, bows and butterflies to choose from for really great clips.
I also received a bandeez hairband. This was a beautiful piece of ribbon that gathered in the back to help secure it in your hair. One of the key parts of the bandeez is a strip that grips on your hair to prevent it from falling out. I can say it stayed in the 5 year olds but didn’t work that well in mine. The strip grabbed little pices of hair so it wouldn’t fall out but it didn’t hold very much of my hair back at all.
So I have to say that while the bandeez didn’t work great for me, the clipeez were great. So go over to LemonHead Kidz and check them out!
(An FRN Review)

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