Let’s Make A Webpage! Review

Recently I got the opportunity to review a new e-book called Let’s Make a Web Page! I hate to say this and if I do I may never be asked to do another review but…. Don’t buy this! This e-book, put out by Motherboard books, is supposed to teach your 8-12 year old how to program a basic webpage. Unfortunately, this really just teaches you how to use and manipulate a specific html editor (she tells how to get it) with a wizard. This means you don’t actually learn any coding. You could get the same effect by taking a basic Word document and have it convert the document into a webpage.

I know this is harsh but I don’t feel this actually expands any computer science knowledge. As someone who has taken programming, and specifically web design classes, this e-book doesn’t really give you any skills to take away. Normally when a product is not my cup of tea I look for the person it would help. This time I don’t really see a good audience that it could help.

So that is my 2 cents, take it or leave it. I promise I won’t be offended.

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